Just when you thought….
…it was over…. I am baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
I couldn’t end it all without making sure I singled out the ones that we owe so much gratitude to…. Mum and Dad.
Oooooh the things you have taken care of whilst’ we have been away! From Landlord duties…. to pet sitters…. our #1 bankers…. home appliance specialists…. our phone and insurance powerhouse negotiators…. trip financers…. you name it, you are it. So many hats you wear!
You have helped us live our dream…. and without you, it just wouldn’t have been possible. End of story.
Mum and Dad, you have been amazing.
Thank you from the very bottom of our hearts– See you in 10 days!
We love you!!
Alyssa and Ray
P.S. For those who may be interested in making our arrival a weee’ bit warmer (its gonna be freeeezin’!) we arrive on Saturday, January 5th at 5:30pm– on flight NWA312. But I must make a strong note in saying that "the Jode" gets the very first hug.