These Are a Few of My Favorite Things…….
In trying to copy my father’s song writing TALENT, we thought we would give you an inside look to a ‘few of our favorite things’ here in Spain.
Sung to the Sound of Music Tune “My Favorite Things.”
Cueva del Gato and Jimera river,
Swimming in ice water it makes you shiver.
Driving on winding roads that make you scream,
These are a few of my favorite things
Trips to Tarifa where it’s really windy,
Kite boarding failures…..mojitos at midday,
Pizza on Mondays with chicken wings,
These are a few of my favorite things!
When we work hard,
Then we play hard,
For not minimal pay.
I drink me some Cava and let out a SCREAM… and then I don’t feeeeeel….. sooooo baaaaaad!
Half days are awesome but that’s after shopping,
Adam and Rachael, they keep us going.
Pooping in sawdust not as bad as it seems,
These are a few of my favorite things!
Camping on beaches in Estepona,
Hoping the policemen don’t come and move ya,
Beans from a can… lit up by moon beams,
These are few of my favorite things.
When my legs hurt,
from long hours,
without sitting down….
I grab an Alhambra and take a big swig,
And then I don’t feeeeel…. Sooo… baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!