Djemaa el Fna
Djemaa el fna for lack of better words is a “crazy square” stuck right in the heart of Marrakesh.
Djemaa el fna for lack of better words is a “crazy square” stuck right in the heart of Marrakesh.
…..it is a great thing to enter a country with very few expectations as to what it will offer forward as far as culture, food, people, driving conditions etc etc and I am sure it is because of these said few expectations I had about Morocco it is with great pleasure to say that it has exceeded them and blown my flip-flops right off.
It’s hard to believe that it is Autumn as the weather here in Spain is pretty warm and sunny (apart from the extreme flooding that we had a week or two ago), the leaves here show very little sign of change as they are mostly olive or evergreens and I would be lying if I said I don’t miss the colors changing in Minnesota, what I do not miss however is what follows immediately after and that is one of the things we are trying to avoid on this “endless summer” journey of ours…..we aren’t doing too bad apart from the brief detour we took through the alps last December….no comment.
Yeah yeah I know…it has been forever. I , Ray the hypocrite admit that I have been getting on Alyssa’s case for quite some time and saying that she really needs to write the blog as it has been wayyyyyyy too long and people love reading it. So she is back and writing again, and what a writer she is. I live the adventures with her and can’t believe what an accurate picture she paints in every blog she writes it is the inspiration I take from her blogs to try and scrape together some words in a sentence in the hopes of contributing a little to this major task of writing she has taken ………
One of the tastiest treats to grace to awaiting palate with is a deep-fried treat called Samosa!
Here is a great recipe and video we put together whilst we were in my home town of Hastings!! Have a crack at it!
You could be fooled by the title to believe that just because I was staying in a castle in France that I have been crowned said “Sausage King” or that it is my plan to open a chain of fast food joints devoted to sausage!! I can picture it now…………………………………. (enter scooby doo flash back effect right here)………
Back in Denmark (finally) and I get my turn on the computer (also Finally) after Alyssa blogs, uploads photos and Facebook, the latter of which is by far the most time consuming and of course the most important!
It isn’t often one gets inspired by lactose products but I simply have to write about my seedy affair with Comte!
Even before I got to Hastings (my home town) I was excited about the seafood! It is so fresh and straight from the sea, it is amazing! With my super director and camera woman Alyssa, we set out to the old town of Hastings to spend some time on the beach and by the fish markets ready to swoop in and gather whatever took my fancy!